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EMC Training Courses

EMC Training Courses


Cre8 Associates Limited provides EMC Training and Awareness Days to a variety of different customers. Our customers have ranged from OEM vehicle manufacturers to Tier 1 and sub-supplier companies, military and government organisations, and have been located in Europe and North America.

Cre8 Associates Limited provides a modular approach, and unlike other service providers our courses are therefore tailored to your expected audience. We have provided these courses for managers, mechanical engineers, homologation personnel and warranty departments all in aid of understanding what EMC is and how it affects your company, the risks posed by it and how to mitigate some of them.

Our updated 2013 EMC Training module list shows our complete modular list and once tailored to your companies’ requirements, can be performed at your own location or at Cre8 where we use our EMC Laboratory to teach some of the principles involved.

Although modules can be priced individually, once packaged together the price is a maximum of £850 per day for up to 6 people. Each person over the 6 is charged at £125 per day to a maximum of 10 people. We provide all course notes and if at Cre8 Associates Limited refreshments and buffet style lunch included. A full quotation is available on request.

In addition Cre8 Associates Limited holds EMC Awareness days. These are held over a single day were a combination of discussions in our conference room and actual work in an EMC chamber give you a basic understanding of the issues surrounding EMC. Practical EMC interference sources are shown and reduced in real time by the students themselves and an understanding is obtained on simple planning activities that help reduce the probability of issues in the future. Awareness days are normally run every 3 months. Please contact us for the next awareness day in 2013.

EMC Training Modules 2013